Description and Use Case Example


A Document Read & Acknowledge App is designed to ensure that employees and stakeholders have read and understood critical documents, such as policies, procedures, training materials, and compliance guidelines. This type of app is particularly valuable in organizations where adherence to protocols is essential for maintaining quality, safety, and regulatory compliance.

Use case

A local construction company manages high-risk projects involving heavy machinery, hazardous materials, and elevated workspaces. To maintain compliance with safety regulations and reduce accidents, the company regularly updates safety procedures, such as safe work method statements (SWMSs), material safety datasheets (MSDSs), equipment handling instructions, and emergency evacuation plans.

The Read & Acknowledge App allows the safety team to distribute these updates quickly to all workers on-site. Each worker receives a notification on their mobile device, prompting them to read the latest safety document. After reviewing the document, workers must acknowledge that they have understood the material by signing off within the app. Managers can track who has read and acknowledged each update, ensuring compliance.

This process ensures that every worker is aware of the latest safety protocols and minimizes the risk of accidents caused by outdated or misunderstood procedures. The app also provides an audit trail for regulatory compliance, demonstrating that the company has taken proactive measures to keep employees informed. This improves overall safety, accountability, and compliance in a high-risk environment.


This App is in two parts. The Document Assign App, allows document controllers to manage documents, prior to assigning to staff.  After assigning, the staff will receive notification to read a document. Staff then use the Read & Acknowledge App to view the assigned documents and acknowledge their understanding of the content.

Document Assignment

The process starts with document controllers, uploading documents, to the Document Assign App.  Document Controllers can open the App in a browser, by using a button or link on an Intranet web page. Alternatively the App can be configured as a tab in a Teams channel. Another method of starting the App is by using the installable Power Apps desktop client.

Once the App is open, a register of all controlled documents is visible.  The Document Controller can upload new documents for assigning.  For large document libraries, a search bar facilitates finding documents to assign.

The controller can assign a single document to multiple readers, or multiple documents to a single reader. Documents are assigned to readers and a due date is also selected. When this form is submitted all staff will receive notification. The document controller can check the readership status of all document assign to an individual reader. The App can also be used to check the assignment of any document and check the readership status.

A scheduled workflow routinely checks all due dates, and sends reminder notifications.

Read & Acknowledge

After the reader is notified of a new document to read, they open the Read & Acknowledge App.  Staff can open the App in a browser, as a tab in a Teams channel, or by using the installable Power Apps desktop client.

Staff can use the App to display all documents, regardless of assignment. colour coding is used to display assignment and due date. The App displays all documents assigned to that reader.

Documents can be previewed in the App.  The reader has a defined time interval in which to read the document. At the end of that interval they can Acknowledge their understanding of the content by tapping the Acknowledge button. For larger, more complex documents, the reader can open the document in a full screen. The document can be viewed, but not edited, copied, downloaded or printed, ensuring integrity of the controlled documents.

Features & Pricing

Key Features

Here are the key features of our app:

  • Automated document distribution & acknowledgement confirmation
  • Read & Acknowledge tracking for compliance & reporting
  • Ensure employees are informed, compliant, and accountable for understanding critical documents
  • Reminders and notifications sent via Teams or email
  • Content management and version control, document categorization, audience targeting and search
  • Centralized document repository; the so-called “Source of Truth”
  • User-friendly interface; documents are read in the App interface without having to navigate to other apps
  • Enhance organisational efficiency and compliance
  • Integrates with Active Directory (365 Azure Identities) user-names or roles
  • Customisable Power BI reports on document acknowledgment rates, user engagement, and compliance status
  • Use case: Organizations where adherence to protocols is essential for maintaining quality, safety, and regulatory compliance, such as healthcare, pharmaceuticals, education, and finance.  Organisations certified under quality frameworks such as ISO9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001, HSQF, ASQA, NQS, NSQHS.

By incorporating these features, a Document Read & Acknowledge App can help organizations ensure that employees are informed, compliant, and accountable for understanding critical documents, ultimately enhancing organizational efficiency and compliance. If you have further questions or need more detailed information, feel free to ask!


From $6,000 for Document Upload App

From $2,500 for Read & Acknowledge App