Description and Use Case Example


An Expenses Request & Approval App streamlines the process of submitting, reviewing, and approving expense claims within an organization. It helps ensure that expense management is efficient, transparent, and compliant with company policies.

Use Case Example

NGOs often operate with limited budgets and must account for every expenditure, whether for project-related costs, travel, or administrative expenses. With an expense approval app, staff can easily submit expenses through their mobile devices, attaching receipts and relevant documentation.

The app enables managers to review and approve these expenses quickly, ensuring that funds are used appropriately and efficiently. This real-time approval process helps prevent delays in critical spending, allowing projects to move forward without unnecessary financial bottlenecks.

Additionally, the app provides an audit trail, capturing all expense activities and approvals. This feature is essential for ensuring compliance with donors’ requirements and for external audits, demonstrating that funds are being allocated properly. The app also helps reduce paperwork and manual processing, improving overall operational efficiency and freeing up staff to focus on core activities.

By improving expense tracking, reducing errors, and ensuring accountability, the app enhances financial management in NGOs, ensuring that resources are directed where they are needed most.


The expense approval process has three stages.
1. Submit a request to spend money
2. Approve the request and
3. Upload expense details, and evidence such as a receipt.

This App is responsive but most likely will be run on a smartphone. Front line staff Submit a request to spend money. The demonstration shown here, is our advanced Expense Approval App, which allows expenses to be allocated against individual jobs, or clients. As all jobs include a budget, the app will notify staff if there is available funds for the expense.

Using the app, staff complete details of the expenditure. After submitting the request, staff can check the submission has been processed. Colour coding is used to designate the current status of the approval process.

The approver is usually a program supervisor, or department manager with financial delegation to approve the expense.  The approver is notified in Teams, and the Approval is done using the Teams Approval App.  After checking the details of the expenditure, the approver can either approve, or reject, the request. The approver can also add comments, which will be sent back to the applicant via Teams messaging.

The final stage of the process is for the front line staff to confirm the actual expenses and upload receipts. Front line staff are notified via Teams, after the request has been approved. Checking all submissions on the mobile app, will show a change of status to “Approved”. Now the front line staff can complete the details of the expense. The App, features spell check, drop-down options, date and people pickers, all to assist efficient data entry. Multiple receipts can be uploaded as photographs using the smartphone. After carefully checking all data entry, the staff can submit the expense claim.

Features & Pricing

Key Features

Here are the key features of our app:

  • Streamline expense approval, tracking & monitoring
  • Automated workflow for submissions and approvals
  • Accountability & transparency of organisational expenses
  • Expense approvals and authorisation by staff with financial delegation
  • Finacial auditing & reconciliation for organisational expenses
  • Align expenses against organisational Chart of Accounts
  • Scan & upload receipts
  • Reconcile missing receipts and expenditure
  • Enable employees to submit expense requests from their mobile devices, making it easy to capture and upload receipts
  • Integrates with Active Directory (365 Azure Identities) for expense tracking by staff member
  • Security trimming ensure that staff only see their own submissions
  • View the status of requests in real time using Power BI reporting
  • Integrates with our Funding/Contract Managment and Job Planning App for budget balances

An Expenses Request & Approval App can significantly improve the efficiency and transparency of expense management processes, ensuring timely approvals, policy compliance, and accurate financial reporting. If you have further questions or need more detailed information, feel free to ask!


From $3,500 for Expense Request and Approval App