Description and Use Case Example


The document approval and publishing process is a crucial component in industries where adherence to standards and regulations is mandatory, such as

  • Healthcare, pharmaceuticals, education, and finance.
  • Organisations quality certified under ISO9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001.
  • Organisations certified under quality frameworks such as HSQF for human services, ASQA Standards for RTOs, NQS for childcare, NSQHS for health workers.

Use Case Example

In the aged care industry, the document approval and publishing process is critical for ensuring compliance with regulations and maintaining high standards of care.

Our App enables aged care facilities to streamline the review, approval, and distribution of essential documents, such as care procedures, health and safety protocols, staff training manuals, standard operating procedures (SOPs), checklists, work instructions, quality manuals, and compliance reports.

The system ensures that all documents are thoroughly vetted and approved by authorized personnel, such as facility managers or compliance officers, before they are published and made available to employees. This multi-step review process ensures that documents are accurate, complete, and aligned with regulatory standards for aged care.

The system also provides an audit trail, recording document activities like reviews, updates, and approvals, which enhances transparency and accountability.

Ultimately, this system ensures that only vetted, compliant documents are distributed, helping maintain a safe and compliant environment for residents.


This process is in two parts.

The Document Review and Approval App, allows Document Managers to upload. Published documents are then viewed by staff in a custom SharePoint App.

Document Review and Approval App

The process starts by uploading documents to the Document Review & Approval App. Document Controllers can open the App in a browser by using a button or link on an Intranet web page. Alternatively the App can be configured as a tab in a Teams channel. Another method of starting the App is by using the installable Power Apps desktop client.

Once the App is open, a register of all controlled documents are visible. The Document Controller can view the details of each document and track the review, approval, and publishing tasks. For large document libraries, a search bar facilitates finding documents of interest.

Multi step tasks ensure that each task step is delegated to the correct member of staff. Up to four steps can be included in each task. The initial document upload is followed by a Technical review, then a Management Review, then an Approval. All steps are assumed to be dependant and linked, so due dates can be auto calculated.

The App, features spell check, drop-down options, date and people pickers all to assist efficient data entry. The App integrates with active directory to allocate review tasks to the correct staff member. Each document in the register is colour coded to show completion status.

A scheduled workflow routinely checks all task dates and notifies task delegates by email and, or, Teams message.

Viewing Published Documents

After the documents have been reviewed and approved, the documents then become available through a secure portal.

Staff can access the controlled documents, with restricted permissions.

A link to the portal is usually available from the Intranet, Teams or SharePoint.  A search screen allows staff to use a keyword search, or a category search. The search uses full content searching of all words in the document, and supports wildcards and logical expressions.

Documents can be viewed, but not edited, copied, downloaded or printed, ensuring integrity of the controlled documents.


Features & Pricing

Key Features

Here are the key features of our app:

  • Manage standard operating procedures (SOPs), work instructions, quality manuals, and compliance reports
  • Adherence to quality compliance standards and regulations
  • Facilitates the automated review, approval, publishing and expiry of key documents
  • Minimizes the risk of errors and non-compliance ensuring that only validated and compliant documents are disseminated across the organisation
  • Multiple stages of review with audit trail of all document activities, including version control and approvals
  • Secure document storage and role-based access control
  • Rich search interface, enabling staff to easily find key documents
  • Automatic version control to maintain a record of all document changes and updates.
  • Customizable dashboards that display key metrics and insights
  • Industries where adherence to standards and regulations is mandatory, such as healthcare, pharmaceuticals, education, and finance.
  • Organisations quality certified under ISO9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001.
  • Organisations certified under quality frameworks such as HSQF for human services, ASQA Standards for RTOs, NQS for childcare, NSQHS for health workers.

By incorporating these features, a document approval and publishing process will ensure that only vetted, compliant documents are distributed to staff.  Using Apps, can help organizations streamline document control, and ensure compliance with standards. If you have further questions or need more detailed information, feel free to ask!


From $6,000 for Document Review & Approval App